Use These Tips to Help Overcome the Language Barrier
When it comes to making yourself understood in a foreign land, there are several steps you can to take, including…
Learning Some Basic Words and Phrases: It’s not too hard to take a little time to learn basic words like ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ in the language of the country you’re going to, and doing so will at least give you a way to make yourself understood by the locals.
Carrying a Phrasebook: Couple learning basic words and phrases with a phrasebook carrying common questions in the language of the country you’re going to. Together, these steps will mean that at least you’ll know enough to find your way around the place you’re going.
Speaking Through Body Language: If the steps above aren’t enough, you can make yourself understood in the one language we all share; body language. After all, everybody understands what it means when you point!
There Really is an App for Everything These Days
Alternatively, you can turn to modern technology to help overcome the language barrier. As there’s an app for pretty much everything these days, it shouldn’t surprise you to learn that there are apps specifically designed to translate for you.
With these apps, you just talk naturally and let it do the translating for you! If you’ve got an Android powered handset, go for Google Translate, which is equipped to cope with 80 languages. Meanwhile, if you own an iPhone, make sure to download iTranslate, which is designed to bring 80+ languages straight to your pocket.
There’s No Such Thing as the Language Barrier Anymore!
With common sense, effort and a dash of modern technology thrown in, there’s no such thing as the language barrier these days. Wherever you are, you can overcome it and make yourself understood, to make sure you and your family are able to enjoy the trip of a lifetime.