Tips to stay positive during the pandemic

By | 18 April, 2020 | 0 comments

Club MAC Alcudia Beaches

Since mid-March, all around the world people have been living with a new normal due to the coronavirus pandemic. And when all of the news seems to be negative, it can be very difficult to remain positive.
There is no doubt that coronavirus is very serious and is likely to have a huge impact on many of us. We also don’t yet know how long it will last, and how long our lives will be restricted. While you’re thinking about holidays to Club MAC Alcudia and wondering when you can get on that plane, it’s important to stay as positive as possible.
Focusing solely on the negative is counterproductive and while there are things you need to know about the virus, you don’t need to know every single thing about Covid-19.
How to stay positive during the pandemic
At Club MAC, as we all wait for more information on when our summer season can start, we’re focusing on the positive. Here are some tricks we’re doing to help us do this.
1. Limit access to the news
While it’s possible to get a 24-hour stream of headlines into our TVs, tablets and phones, it’s not good for your mental wellbeing. Select a news source you trust and limit the number of times you check in every day. And then make sure you stick to it.
2. Think about the past
There is always hope to be had from the past, no matter your life experiences. Chances are, you’ve been through something disruptive, whether it was getting through the recession of 2008, a personal obstacle you overcame or a natural disaster that affected you. We’ve all got some resilience inside us, and it’s time to remember that.
3. Take time to look at funny videos
Hop online and check out some funny videos on YouTube, or your favourite Facebook channel. There are plenty of ways to access uplifting content across all kinds of channels, and the best thing is you can do it in short bursts. It’s always there to cheer you up in a dark moment.
4. Do stuff with the kids
There are tons of resources online offering all kinds of activities you can do with the family. From maths lessons to PE, films to watch and real time art lessons, you might be surprised at what’s available. Many brands and companies have waived fees for their activities until the schools go back, so take advantage of what’s out there.
5. Look out for your neighbours
If you’re low risk from the virus, ensure you are in contact with your neighbours and local community. There will be people who are at higher risk due to health problems, age or those with compromised immune systems. See if you can help them out and check in on them regularly. If you drop any supplies round, remember to maintain social distancing and keep your distance.
6. Support local businesses
Restaurants and bars are closed, but many are offering takeaways and deliveries. To keep your favourite local businesses going throughout this, consider ordering takeaway regularly if you can. Or you can buy a prepaid gift certificate to cash in as soon as the lockdown is lifted.
7. Focus on the time you have
Instead of thinking of what you’re missing, whether that’s work or social commitments, try and take advantage of any time you’ve been given. It can be liberating to revel in extra time you might have, and if you’re working from home enjoy the benefits that brings.
8. Send gifts to the family and friends
Post some carefully chosen, or even made at home, gifts to family and friends. Small gestures can do wonders to pick up someone’s spirits, particularly if they are isolated and having lonely moments.
9. Keep a diary
Every day write down a positive acknowledgement of something you’ve achieved. This could be something you’ve learned, something you’re grateful for or any accomplishment that makes you feel good. It will help to focus your mind away from the negatives of the day.
We’re going through a time of negative messaging from the media and from social media. And while the situation is very serious and we need to be aware of it, taking steps to deliberately focus on some positives will help you and your family come out the other side.

Categories: Alcudia